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Top 10 Color Pickers for 2019 in Web Design

The importance of color in Web Design

Color is one of the most important elements in website design. Not only is it visually appealing, but it can also influence how users perceive a website and its content. Colors can evoke emotions, convey a message, and guide visitors’ navigation. Therefore, choosing the right colors is crucial to a website’s success.

What is a color picker?

A color picker is a tool that helps designers choose the right colors for their project. These tools provide a color palette, allow for creating harmonious combinations, and facilitate the selection of complementary colors. With a good color picker, designers can create visually appealing and cohesive designs.

Top 10 Color Pickers for 2019

In the world of web design, there are numerous tools that can help designers select the perfect colors for their projects. Below is a list of the top 10 color pickers for 2019:

1. Adobe Color CC

Adobe Color CC is a free tool from Adobe that allows designers to create custom color palettes. Users can select colors manually or use the color wheel to explore different combinations. Adobe Color CC also offers the ability to extract colors from images and save palettes for use in future projects.

2. Coolors

Coolors is an online tool that generates random or custom color palettes. Users can adjust the saturation, lightness, and hue of colors to create unique combinations. Coolors also allows you to save palettes, export them in different formats, and share them with other designers.

3. Paletton

Paletton is a tool that makes it easy to create harmonious color palettes. Designers can choose a base color and Paletton will automatically generate complementary, analogous, and triadic combinations. In addition, the tool offers a real-time preview of how colors will look together.

4. Color Hunt

Color Hunt is a collection of color palettes created by designers from around the world. Users can browse the most popular palettes, save their favorites, and download them in different formats. Color Hunt is a great source of inspiration for finding unique and creative color combinations.

5. Material Design Palette

Material Design Palette is a Google tool that provides color palettes based on Material Design principles. Designers can explore different combinations of primary and secondary colors, as well as adjust the saturation and lightness of each hue. Material Design Palette also offers a style guide for consistently applying colors in a design.

6. Colour Lovers

Colour Lovers is an online community dedicated to colour creativity and design. Users can explore colour palettes, patterns and gradients created by other members of the community. Colour Lovers is a great source of inspiration to discover new colour combinations and design trends.

7. Canva Color Palette Generator

Canva Color Palette Generator is a tool that allows you to create color palettes from images. Designers can upload a photo and Canva will automatically generate a color palette based on the hues present in the image. This tool is ideal for extracting colors from photographs and integrating them into a web design.

8. Colormind

Colormind is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to generate harmonious color palettes. Users can select a base color and Colormind will create complementary, analogous, and contrasting combinations. Colormind also offers the ability to adjust the dominance of each color in the palette.

9. ColorSpace

ColorSpace is a tool that allows you to explore different color palettes and color schemes. Designers can select a specific palette and see how it looks in a variety of styles, such as monochromatic, complementary, and triadic. ColorSpace also offers the ability to adjust color saturation and lightness.

10. Colordot

Colordot is a minimalist web application that makes color selection simple. Users can click on the screen to generate random colors and adjust the transparency and brightness of each shade. Colordot is ideal for experimenting with different color combinations intuitively and quickly.


In web design, color selection is critical to conveying a site's personality and capturing users' attention. Color pickers are powerful tools that can facilitate this process and help designers create attractive and cohesive designs. By using the best color pickers for 2019, designers can enhance the visual appearance of their projects and ensure a satisfying user experience.

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