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Tips for achieving the Low-Poly style in Web Design

Tips for achieving the Low-Poly style in Web Design

What is Low-Poly style?

Low-Poly is a graphic design technique that is characterized by the use of low-resolution polygons to create images and animations. This style has become very popular in the world of web design for its minimalist and modern aesthetic, which brings a touch of originality to any project.

Tips for implementing the Low-Poly style in Web Design

1. Use simple geometric shapes

To achieve the Low-Poly style in web design, it is important to use simple geometric shapes, such as triangles, squares and circles. These shapes can be combined and superimposed to create complex and original compositions.

2. Apply a limited color palette

The Low-Poly style is characterized by the use of a limited color palette, usually pastel colors or soft tones. By limiting the number of colors used, a more coherent and harmonious design is achieved.

3. Play with light and shadow

Light and shadow are key elements in the Low-Poly style, as they create depth and bring geometric shapes to life. Experiment with different intensities of light and shadow to create interesting visual effects.

4. Add subtle textures

Although the Low-Poly style is characterized by clean, simple geometric shapes, subtle textures can also be added to add visual richness. Textures can be used to give an organic touch to an otherwise geometric design.

5. Take care of the composition and balance

Composition and balance are key aspects of any web design, and Low-Poly is no exception. Make sure to distribute shapes and elements evenly in your design to create visual harmony.


In short, the Low-Poly style is a web design technique that is based on the use of simple geometric shapes, a limited color palette, light and shadow, subtle textures, and careful composition. If you are looking to give a modern and original touch to your web design projects, the Low-Poly style is an excellent option to consider. Follow these tips and let your creativity fly!

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