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Summer Glow: 25+ Free Fonts for Web Design

Summer Glow: 25+ Free Fonts for Web Design

The power of fonts in web design

Web design is a discipline that seeks to create attractive and functional visual experiences on a device screen. One of the most important tools to achieve this goal is typographic fonts. Fonts not only convey written information, but are also capable of communicating emotions, styles, and personalities. That is why choosing the right font is key in web design.

The glow of fountains in summer

In summer, the sunshine fills us with energy and encourages us to explore new horizons. This summer glow can also inspire our web design work. To do so, it is important to choose fonts that reflect the freshness and vitality of summer. Below is a list of over 25 free fonts that can give your web design that touch of summer glow you are looking for.

Free fonts for web design: Bright Summer

1. Amatic

Amatic is a handwritten font that evokes the joy and carefree nature of summer. Its rounded shapes and relaxed style make it perfect for titles and short texts that want to convey a feeling of warmth and closeness.

2. Playfair Display

Playfair Display is an elegant and sophisticated font that pairs well with more formal and refined designs. Its contrast between straight and curved shapes gives it a modern and fresh look, ideal for creating striking headlines.

3. Montserrat

Montserrat is a geometric and minimalist font that conveys clarity and simplicity. Its clean and legible design makes it perfect for long texts and extensive paragraphs, giving a fresh and modern feel to any web design.

4. Pacific

Pacifico is a popular handwritten font that is characterized by its casual and playful style. Perfect for titles and headers that want to convey a sense of fun and spontaneity, ideal for informal and creative websites.

5. Raleway

Raleway is a modern and elegant sans-serif font that conveys sophistication and seriousness. Its clean and minimalist design makes it ideal for headlines and short texts that want to give an impression of neatness and refinement.

6. Lobster

Lobster is a handwritten font that stands out for its unique and striking style. Perfect for designs that seek to attract attention and convey a sense of originality and creativity, ideal for projects that want to stand out on the web.

7. Open Sans

Open Sans is a versatile and legible sans-serif font that suits a wide variety of styles and designs. Its clean and contemporary design makes it ideal for all types of web projects, from blogs and online stores to corporate sites and portfolios.

8. Side

Lato is a modern and sophisticated sans-serif font that exudes elegance and style. Its clean and legible design makes it perfect for long texts and extensive paragraphs, giving an air of professionalism and neatness to any web design.

9. Dancing Script

Dancing Script is a handwritten font that stands out for its delicate and elegant style. Perfect for projects that seek to convey a sense of warmth and closeness, ideal for personal and creative websites.

10. Merriweather

Merriweather is a classic and elegant serif font that conveys tradition and seriousness. Its legible and refined design makes it ideal for long texts and extensive paragraphs that want to give an impression of distinction and sophistication.

11. Poppins

Poppins is a modern and versatile sans-serif font that suits a wide variety of styles and designs. Its clean and contemporary design makes it perfect for web projects that aim to convey a fresh and modern feel.

12. Roboto

Roboto is a very popular sans-serif font that is characterized by its clean and legible design. Perfect for long texts and extensive paragraphs that want to convey a sense of clarity and simplicity, ideal for all types of web projects.

13. Indie Flower

Indie Flower is a very peculiar handwritten font that stands out for its unique and original style. Perfect for creative and artistic designs that seek to convey a sense of authenticity and personality, ideal for projects that want to stand out on the web.

14. Source Sans Pro

Source Sans Pro is a modern and legible sans-serif font that suits a wide variety of styles and designs. Its clean and contemporary design makes it ideal for web projects that seek to convey a sense of cleanliness and refinement.

15. April Fatface

Abril Fatface is a serif display font that stands out for its striking and elegant style. Perfect for headlines and headings that seek to attract attention and convey a sense of refinement and sophistication, ideal for web design projects with a touch of glamour.

16. Asap

Asap is a versatile and modern sans-serif font characterized by its clean and legible design. Perfect for long texts and extensive paragraphs that want to give an impression of professionalism and seriousness, ideal for corporate websites and portfolios.

17. Amiri

Amiri is a classic and elegant serif font that conveys tradition and seriousness. Its legible and refined design makes it ideal for long texts and extensive paragraphs that seek to convey a sense of distinction and sophistication.

18. Barlow

Barlow is a modern and versatile sans-serif font that suits a wide variety of styles and designs. Its clean and contemporary design makes it perfect for web projects that aim to convey a fresh and modern feel.

19. Bree Serif

Bree Serif is a serif display font that stands out for its elegant and refined style. Perfect for headlines and headings that seek to convey a sense of sophistication and seriousness, ideal for web design projects that seek to give an impression of professionalism and neatness.

20. Catamaran

Catamaran is a modern and versatile sans-serif font that suits a wide variety of styles and designs. Its clean and contemporary design makes it ideal for web projects that seek to convey a sense of cleanliness and refinement, ideal for corporate websites and online stores.

21. Courgette

Courgette is a very popular handwritten font that is characterized by its casual and cheerful style. Perfect for titles and headings that seek to attract attention and convey a feeling of freshness and originality, ideal for creative and artistic projects.

22. Cormorant

Cormorant is a classic and elegant serif font that conveys tradition and seriousness. Its legible and refined design makes it perfect for long texts and extensive paragraphs that seek to give a sense of distinction and sophistication, ideal for websites with a more traditional approach.

23. Cabin

Cabin is a modern and versatile sans-serif font that suits a wide variety of styles and designs. Its clean and contemporary design makes it ideal for web projects that seek to convey a fresh and modern feel, ideal for websites with a more contemporary and creative approach.

24. Cinzel

Cinzel is a serif display font that stands out for its striking and elegant style. Perfect for headlines and headings that seek to attract attention and convey a sense of refinement and glamour, ideal for web design projects with a touch of luxury and sophistication.

25. DM Sans

DM Sans is a modern and legible sans-serif font that suits a wide variety of styles and designs. Its clean and contemporary design makes it ideal for long texts and extensive paragraphs that seek to convey a sense of cleanliness and refinement, perfect for all types of web projects.


In conclusion, fonts play a vital role in web design, as they not only convey written information but also communicate emotions, styles, and personalities. Choosing the right font is key to achieving an attractive and functional web design. With this list of over 25 free fonts, you can give your web design that touch of summer sparkle you're looking for. Experiment with different styles and find the perfect font for your project. Shine on the web with these dazzling fonts!

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