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Parallax Renaissance: 30+ Websites That Prove Its Vitality in Web Design

The Renaissance of Parallax in Web Design

Parallax has been a technique that has revolutionized the world of web design in recent years. It consists of creating visual effects through the movement of elements at different speeds, thus producing a sensation of depth and movement. This technique has allowed web designers to create more immersive and engaging experiences for users.

Websites that demonstrate the vitality of Parallax Web Design

Below, we will showcase over 30 websites that demonstrate the creativity and versatility of Parallax web design, highlighting the innovation and originality of each one.

1. Nike Air Max

Nike Air Max’s website makes spectacular use of Parallax to showcase the different features and styles of its sneakers. The scrolling images and text create a dynamic and immersive visual experience.

2. Snow Fall

Snow Fall is an editorial project that uses Parallax to tell stories in a unique and immersive way. The movement of elements and the integration of multimedia create a striking visual narrative.

3. Oakley

Oakley has used Parallax on its website to present its products in an innovative and engaging way. Scrolling images and animation of elements create a memorable user experience.

4. NASA Prospect

NASA's Prospect website uses Parallax to transport users on a journey through outer space. The scrolling elements and integration of multimedia create a stunning and educational visual experience.

5. Lyft Stories

Lyft Stories is a project that uses Parallax to tell inspiring stories about Lyft drivers and passengers. The scrolling elements and integration of multimedia create a unique and exciting user experience.

6. The Boat

The Boat is an interactive website that uses Parallax to immerse users in a story of adventure on the high seas. The scrolling elements and integration of multimedia create an immersive and exciting visual experience.

7. Mendo

Mendo is an online bookstore that uses Parallax creatively to display its books in an attractive and original way. The scrolling of images and text creates a unique and immersive visual experience.

8. Costa Coffee

Costa Coffee has used Parallax on their website to showcase the history and process of their coffee making in a dynamic and entertaining way. Scrolling elements and animated images create a memorable user experience.

9. Porsche Black Box

Porsche Black Box is an interactive website that uses Parallax to showcase the technology and design of the brand's cars in an innovative and engaging way. The shifting of elements and the integration of multimedia create a striking visual experience.

10. The Museum of Mario

The Museum of Mario is a project that uses Parallax to showcase the history and evolution of Mario video games. The movement of elements and the integration of multimedia create an interactive and nostalgic experience for fans of the series.


The Parallax Renaissance in Web Design has allowed designers to explore new ways to create interactive and immersive experiences for users. The versatility and creativity of this technique has led to the creation of innovative and visually stunning websites. The combination of visual elements, animations and multimedia has allowed for improved usability and user experience on the web. The continued evolution and adaptation of Parallax in web design demonstrates its vitality and its ability to continue surprising users.

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