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How to watch Sky in 4K

What is Sky?

Sky is a satellite television platform that offers a wide variety of channels and programs for its subscribers. With a wide range of high-definition content, Sky is an excellent choice for those looking for a high-quality viewing experience.

What is 4K content?

4K content refers to a picture resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels, which means incredibly sharp and detailed image quality. With this technology, viewers can enjoy a more immersive and realistic viewing experience.

How to watch Sky in 4K?

To enjoy 4K content on Sky, it is important to take into account some requirements and steps necessary to correctly configure your television receiver.

1. Subscribe to Sky's 4K package

The first thing you need to do is make sure you have a Sky subscription that includes the 4K package. This package usually costs extra, but it's worth considering if you want to enjoy content in the highest quality.

2. Get a 4K compatible receiver

In order to view 4K content, you need a TV receiver that supports this resolution. Make sure your receiver is properly configured to receive 4K signals and that your TV is also compatible with this technology.

3. Setting up your TV receiver

Once you have purchased your Sky 4K package and have a compatible receiver, it is important to set it up correctly following the instructions provided by Sky. Make sure your receiver is connected to the internet in order to access 4K content.

4. Select 4K content

Once you’ve set up your TV receiver, you’ll be able to access 4K content via dedicated Sky channels. Search for shows, movies and sporting events that are available in 4K and enjoy a stunning viewing experience.

5. Adjust image settings

To maximize your 4K viewing experience, it's important to adjust your TV's picture settings. Make sure the picture mode is set to 4K and make any necessary adjustments to get the best possible picture quality.


Watching 4K content on Sky is an incredible experience that allows you to enjoy exceptional picture quality. By following the steps mentioned above and making sure you have the right equipment, you can enjoy an unrivalled viewing experience. Feel free to explore Sky's catalogue of 4K content and immerse yourself in a world of ultra-realistic images.

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