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How to switch accounts in Clash of Clans

How to switch accounts in Clash of Clans

Clash of Clans is one of the most popular mobile games out there right now. With millions of active players around the world, it's only natural that many of them will want to switch accounts in the game at some point. Whether it's because they want to start over, because they want to play with friends on another account, or for any other reason, switching accounts in Clash of Clans can be a confusing process for some. In this article, we'll guide you step-by-step on how to switch accounts in Clash of Clans safely and easily.

Step 1: Make sure you have a Supercell ID

Before you try to switch accounts in Clash of Clans, it's important to make sure you have a Supercell ID. This is a unique account that allows you to access your Supercell games on different devices. If you don't have a Supercell ID yet, you can easily create one by following these steps:

1. Open Clash of Clans on your device.
2. Go to the game settings section.
3. Select the “Supercell ID” option.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new account.

Once you have your Supercell ID created, you can use it to switch accounts in Clash of Clans without losing your progress in the game.

Step 2: Sign out of your current account

Once you have your Supercell ID active, the next step is to log out of your current account so you can access another one. Follow these steps to log out of your current account in Clash of Clans:

1. Open Clash of Clans on your device.
2. Go to the game settings section.
3. Select the “Disconnect” option.
4. Confirm that you want to log out of your current account.

Once you have logged out of your current account, you are ready to log in with another account in Clash of Clans.

Step 3: Sign in with another account

Once you've logged out of your current account, you'll be able to log in with another account in Clash of Clans using your Supercell ID. Follow these steps to switch accounts in the game:

1. Open Clash of Clans on your device.
2. Select the “Sign in with Supercell ID” option.
3. Enter your Supercell ID login details.
4. Select the account you want to access.

Once you've logged in with another account, you'll be able to play Clash of Clans with that account and keep your progress separate from your other accounts.


Switching accounts in Clash of Clans is a simple process if you follow these steps. Make sure you have a Supercell ID created before you try to switch accounts, log out of your current account, and then log in with the new account you want to use. This way, you can enjoy a unique Clash of Clans experience with different accounts. Good luck!

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