‘If there is a chance that several things will go wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one that goes wrong.’ according to Murdock's law.


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How to make your heart with your mobile keyboard

How to make your heart with your mobile keyboard

The symbolism of the heart

The heart is one of the most recognized symbols in the world. It represents love, friendship, passion and life itself. This is why we constantly want to use this symbol in our conversations, either to express our affection for someone or to add a touch of romance to our words.

How to make a heart with your mobile keyboard?

Many times we find ourselves without the possibility of using emojis in our conversations, either due to technical limitations or simply because we prefer to use simpler characters. This is why knowing how to make a heart with our mobile keyboard can be very useful in various situations.

The steps to make a heart

To make a heart with your mobile keyboard, simply follow these simple steps:

1. Open the Messages app on your mobile device.
2. Select the contact or group you want to share the heart with.
3. Type the symbol “<” followed by the number “3”. This will form the top of the heart.
4. Press the space key to separate the two characters.
5. Type the symbol “3” followed by the “>” sign. This will form the bottom part of the heart.
6. Send the message and watch the heart appear in the conversation.

The importance of expressing our feelings

Expressing our feelings is essential to maintaining healthy and happy relationships. Often, we tend to keep our emotions to ourselves for fear of rejection or judgment from others. However, it is important to remember that showing our affection and appreciation towards others strengthens emotional bonds and makes us feel closer to those around us.

The power of small gestures

Sometimes, a simple heart in a text message can make the other person feel special and loved. Small gestures of affection are what make the difference in a relationship, whether it's friendship, love or family. So don't underestimate the power of a heart made with your mobile keyboard.

Creativity in communication

Finding creative ways to express our feelings allows us to connect more deeply with others. Using elements like hearts in a text message shows that we care about the person we are talking to and that we want to make them feel special. Creativity in communication is essential to keeping relationships alive and nurturing emotional bonds.


Making a heart with your mobile keyboard may seem like a small gesture, but it actually has a great symbolic meaning. Expressing our feelings in a simple and creative way allows us to strengthen our relationships and show our affection towards others. So the next time you want to add a touch of love to your conversations, don't hesitate to use the heart on your mobile. Your message will be much more special and emotional!

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