‘If there is a chance that several things will go wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one that goes wrong.’ according to Murdock's law.


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How to Create Columns in Google Docs: Web Design Guide

Web Design Guide: How to Create Columns in Google Docs

Google Docs is a very versatile tool that allows us to create and edit documents easily and collaboratively. In this article, we will show you how you can create columns in Google Docs to give your texts a more organized and professional look.

Why use columns in a document?

Columns are a great way to improve the readability of a document, especially when it comes to long texts. By dividing the content into columns, it makes it easier to read and understand, making it more visually appealing.

Additionally, columns can be useful for organizing information in a clearer and more structured way, which is very useful in documents such as reports, newsletters, magazines, among others.

Step by step to create columns in Google Docs

Creating columns in Google Docs is very easy and will only take a few minutes. Follow these steps to divide your document into columns:

1. Access Google Docs

The first thing you need to do is log into your Google account and open Google Docs. If you don't have an account, you can create one for free.

2. Open a new document

Once you're in Google Docs, open a new blank document or select an existing one you want to add columns to.

3. Select the type of columns

To select the type of columns you want to use, go to the “Format” menu and select “Columns.” Here you can choose between one, two, or three columns, depending on your needs.

4. Divide your content

Once you've selected the number of columns, you can begin dividing up your content. Simply select the text you want to include in each column and drag it into the appropriate column.

5. Adjust the size of the columns

If you need to adjust the size of your columns, you can do so by dragging the boundaries between columns. You can also adjust the margins and spacing between columns to customize the layout to your liking.

6. Save your document

Once you've finished creating your columns, save your document so that your changes are automatically saved. And that's it! You've now created columns in Google Docs quickly and easily.


Columns are a very useful tool to organize and improve the presentation of your documents in Google Docs. With this simple tutorial, you will be able to create columns in your texts in an effective and professional way.

We hope that this web design guide has been helpful to you and that you can make the most of this Google Docs feature in your next projects. Don't hesitate to experiment with different layouts and formats to find the style that best suits your needs!

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