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How to count lines in Word

How to count lines in Word

Microsoft Word is one of the most widely used word processors in the world. Often, when we are writing a document, we need to know how many lines we have written. Counting lines in Word is a simple task that can help us have better control over the text we are writing.

Method 1: Count lines automatically

A quick way to count lines in Word is to use the word count feature. To do this, simply follow these steps:

1. Open the document in Word.
2. Go to the “Review” tab on the toolbar.
3. Click on “Word Count”.
4. A window will open with detailed information about the document, including the number of lines.

This method is useful if you need to know the exact number of lines in a long document. However, if you only need to count a few specific lines, there is another way to do it.

Method 2: Count lines manually

If you want to count only a few specific lines in Word, you can do it like this:

1. Go to the beginning of the line where you want to start counting.
2. Place the cursor at the end of the line.
3. Hold down the Shift key and press the down arrow key.

Word will highlight the lines you are selecting, so you can see how many lines you have counted. This method is useful when you need to accurately count lines in a particular section of your document.


Counting lines in Word can be useful in a number of situations, whether it's to check compliance with a certain length in an academic paper or simply to have greater control over the amount of text you're writing. Whether you prefer to count lines automatically or manually, Word offers you the tools you need to carry out this task quickly and easily. Try them out and optimize your workflow with Microsoft Word!

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