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How to change the language of Metro Exodus to Russian

How to change the language of Metro Exodus to Russian?

Metro Exodus is a popular action-adventure video game that has won over thousands of players around the world. However, some players may prefer to experience the game in its original language, in this case, Russian. Changing the language of Metro Exodus to Russian is a simple process, but it may vary depending on the platform you are playing on. In this article, we will explain step by step how to change the game language to Russian on major platforms such as PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

How to change the language on PC

If you play Metro Exodus on PC via Steam, changing the language to Russian is very easy. Follow these steps:

1. Open Steam and go to your game library.
2. Find Metro Exodus in the list of games and right-click on it.
3. Select “Properties” from the drop-down menu.
4. On the “Language” tab, choose “русский (Russian)” from the drop-down list.
5. Click “Close” and wait for Steam to download the appropriate language files.
6. Once the download is complete, reopen the game and you should now see all text and dialogue in Russian.

If you're playing Metro Exodus on PC via other platforms such as the Epic Games Store, the process may differ slightly. In this case, look for the game's settings option within the platform and look for the language option to select Russian.

How to change the language on Xbox One

If you are playing Metro Exodus on Xbox One and want to change the language to Russian, follow these steps:

1. From the console's main menu, go to «My games & apps.»
2. Find Metro Exodus in the list of installed games and highlight the game.
3. Press the “Menu” button on your controller and select “Manage game and add-ons.”
4. In the “Languages” section, select “Add languages” and choose “русский (Russian)” from the list of available languages.
5. Wait for the language files to download and restart the game.
6. You should now see all text and dialogue in Russian when playing Metro Exodus on your Xbox One.

How to change the language on PlayStation 4

If you are playing Metro Exodus on PlayStation 4 and want to change the language to Russian, follow these steps:

1. From the console main menu, go to “Settings”.
2. In the “Language” section, choose “System language” and change the language to Russian.
3. Restart the console to apply the changes.
4. Open Metro Exodus and you should now see all text and dialogue in Russian.

Please note that changing the in-game language may affect the settings of other games on the same platform, so be sure to change the language back to your preference once you're done playing Metro Exodus in Russian.


Changing the language of Metro Exodus to Russian is a simple process that will allow you to enjoy a more authentic gaming experience if you prefer. Whether you're playing on PC, Xbox One, or PlayStation 4, following the steps mentioned above will help you change the in-game language to Russian quickly and easily. Now all that's left to do is immerse yourself in the post-apocalyptic world of Metro Exodus in its original language!

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