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Getting the most out of Reading Coach in Immersive Reader: Support and Help Guide

Getting the most out of Reading Coach in Immersive Reader: Support and Help Guide

What is Reading Coach?

Reading Coach is a Microsoft tool designed to improve reading fluency for users, especially those who struggle with dyslexia or reading comprehension difficulties. This feature is integrated into Immersive Reader, an accessibility tool that helps improve the reading experience in Microsoft applications such as Word, Outlook, and Teams.

How to access Reading Coach?

To access Reading Coach, you must first open a document in one of the Microsoft applications that supports Immersive Reader, such as Word. Once the document is open, click on the “View” tab at the top of the screen and select the “Immersive” or “Immersive Reader” option. Then, activate the Reading Coach feature by clicking on the “Book” icon at the top right of the screen.

What features does Reading Coach offer?

Reading Coach offers a number of features designed to improve reading fluency and reading comprehension. Some of the most notable features include:

– Read aloud: Reading Coach can read the selected text aloud, helping users follow the story and improve their comprehension.
– Word Highlighting: Reading Coach highlights words as they are read aloud, helping users keep up with the reading pace.
– Silent Reading Mode: Reading Coach allows users to read the text on their own, without the help of voiceover, to practice reading fluency.
– Pause and Resume: Users can pause reading at any time and resume when they are ready, allowing them to take control of their reading pace.

Tips to get the most out of Reading Coach

1. Use reading aloud

Reading Coach's read-aloud feature is a powerful tool for improving reading fluency. Use this feature to follow along with the story, recognize difficult words, and improve your reading comprehension.

2. Practice silent reading

Reading Coach's silent reading mode allows you to practice reading fluency on your own. Use this feature to improve your reading speed and comprehension without relying on voiceover.

3. Underline difficult words

If you find difficult words while reading, use Reading Coach's word highlighting feature to highlight them and review their meaning. This will help you expand your vocabulary and improve your reading comprehension.

In short, Reading Coach in Immersive Reader is an invaluable tool for improving reading fluency and reading comprehension. Make the most of this feature by using the different tools and tips mentioned above. Start using Reading Coach today and take your reading experience to the next level!

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