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Difference between IPS screens and PLS screens (Super PLS)

IPS and PLS Screens: What's the Difference?

Display technology in electronic devices has evolved significantly in recent years, offering a wide variety of options for consumers. Two of the most common technologies on the market are IPS (In-Plane Switching) and PLS (Plane to Line Switching) displays, known for their excellent image quality and color reproduction. Although both technologies are very similar in many ways, there are key differences that are worth considering when choosing a device with one or the other display.

What is an IPS display?

IPS displays are known for offering more accurate colors and wider viewing angles compared to other display technologies. This is because the liquid crystals in an IPS display are arranged horizontally, allowing for greater efficiency in transmitting light through the display. As a result, colors appear more vibrant and accurate, no matter what angle you're viewing the display from.

Additionally, IPS displays have the ability to maintain color accuracy even at high brightness levels, making them ideal for tasks that require high color fidelity, such as photo or video editing. However, IPS displays tend to be a bit more expensive than other display technologies, which may be a factor to consider for those on a more limited budget.

What is a PLS screen?

On the other hand, PLS displays are a variant of IPS displays developed by Samsung and known as Super PLS. While they share many similarities in terms of image quality and color reproduction, PLS displays have some key differences that set them apart from traditional IPS displays.

One of the main advantages of PLS ​​displays is their increased brightness and contrast, making them ideal for use in outdoor environments or those with a lot of ambient light. In addition, PLS displays are more energy efficient, which can translate into longer battery life in portable devices such as smartphones and tablets.

Although PLS displays offer excellent image quality, some users have reported that they may experience flickering issues on PLS displays, especially at high refresh rates. However, these issues are usually less common compared to IPS displays, so it can be considered a minor factor when choosing between one or the other display technology.


In short, both IPS and PLS displays offer excellent image quality and color reproduction, making them a great choice for those who value a good visual experience on their electronic devices. If you are looking for a display with wide viewing angles and accurate colors, an IPS display may be the best choice for you. On the other hand, if you need higher brightness and contrast on your display, a PLS display might be the right choice for your specific needs.

Ultimately, choosing between an IPS display and a PLS display will depend on your personal preferences and the use you plan to put your device to. Both technologies offer unique benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to consider these differences when making an informed decision about which type of display is best for you. Choose wisely and enjoy an exceptional viewing experience with your electronic device!

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