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40 tutorials for exceptional text effects in Illustrator

40 Tutorials for Outstanding Text Effects in Illustrator

Shaded text

One of the most commonly used effects in graphic design is shadowed text. To achieve this in Illustrator, simply select your text, go to the “Effects” option in the menu bar and choose “Shadow & Glow.” Adjust the settings to your liking and you’re done.

3D text

To give your text a three-dimensional effect in Illustrator, select the text tool and type your word or phrase. Then go to “Effects” -> “3D” -> “Extrude & Bevel” to customize the depth and angle of your 3D text.

Text with embossed effect

If you want your text to look raised, simply select your text in Illustrator, go to “Effects” -> “Stylization Effects” -> “Inner Glow.” Adjust the blur and opacity settings to achieve the desired effect.

Text with fire effect

To simulate a fire effect on your text in Illustrator, select your word or phrase, go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Flame”. Adjust the size and opacity settings to get a realistic fire look.

Text with water effect

If you prefer a water effect on your text, select your text in Illustrator and go to “Effects” -> “Distort” -> “Wave”. Adjust the length and amplitude parameters to simulate water ripples.

Text with neon effect

To achieve a neon effect on your text in Illustrator, select your word or phrase, go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Outer Glow.” Adjust the size and brightness parameters to get a vibrant, luminous look.

Text with metal effect

If you want to give your text a metallic look in Illustrator, select your text and go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Glow & Shine.” Adjust the opacity and shine settings to simulate the shine of metal.

Torn paper effect text

To simulate a torn paper effect on your text in Illustrator, select your word or phrase, go to “Effects” -> “Distort” -> “Wave Shape.” Adjust the amplitude and width parameters to achieve a torn paper look.

Text with glass effect

If you want your text to look like it's made of glass in Illustrator, select your text and go to «Effects» -> «Stylize» -> «Bevel & Emboss». Adjust the size and angle settings to get a shiny glass effect.

Text with fresh paint effect

To simulate a wet paint effect on your text in Illustrator, select your word or phrase, go to “Effects” -> “Distort” -> “Spherize.” Adjust the spherization settings to achieve a three-dimensional, wet paint look.

Text with scroll effect

If you prefer a scrolling effect on your text in Illustrator, select your text and go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Flip Horizontal.” Adjust the flip settings to simulate exquisite scrolls on your text.

Text with cloud effect

To give your text a cloudy look in Illustrator, select your word or phrase, go to “Effects” -> “Distortion” -> “Wave”. Adjust the frequency and wave parameters to get a soft, fluffy cloud effect.

Wood effect text

If you want to simulate a wood effect on your text in Illustrator, select your text and go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Pencil.” Adjust the size and position parameters to get a rustic, natural wood look.

Text with fireworks effect

To achieve a fireworks effect on your text in Illustrator, select your word or phrase, go to “Effects” -> “Distort” -> “Stream”. Adjust the level and direction parameters to simulate a fireworks display on your text.

If you prefer a speech bubble effect on your text in Illustrator, select your text and go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Brush Stroke”. Adjust the width and opacity settings to get a speech bubble look on your text.

Text with rainbow effect

To give your text a rainbow look in Illustrator, select your word or phrase, go to “Effects” -> “Distort” -> “Twist.” Adjust the twist and amplitude parameters to simulate a rainbow on your text.

Leather effect text

If you want to simulate a leather effect on your text in Illustrator, select your text and go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Bevel & Emboss”. Adjust the emboss and angle settings to get a sleek and sophisticated leather look.

Text with smoke effect

To achieve a smoke effect on your text in Illustrator, select your word or phrase, go to “Effects” -> “Distort” -> “Waves”. Adjust the length and width parameters to simulate smoke waves on your text.

Snake skin effect text

If you prefer a snakeskin effect on your text in Illustrator, select your text and go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Outline Offset”. Adjust the offset and width parameters to get a snakeskin look on your text.

Text with frost effect

To give your text a frosty look in Illustrator, select your word or phrase, go to “Effects” -> “Distort” -> “Zigzag.” Adjust the amplitude and amount parameters to simulate a frosty effect on your text.

Fresh ink effect text

If you want to simulate a fresh ink effect on your text in Illustrator, select your text and go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Glow.” Adjust the size and opacity settings to get a modern, fresh ink look.

Text with stagnant water effect

To achieve a standing water effect on your text in Illustrator, select your word or phrase, go to “Effects” -> “Distort” -> “Twist It.” Adjust the twist and amount parameters to simulate a standing water effect.

Text with marble effect

If you prefer a marble effect on your text in Illustrator, select your text and go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Eyedropper”. Adjust the size and opacity settings to get a luxurious and elegant marble look.

Text with aurora borealis effect

To give your text an aurora borealis look in Illustrator, select your word or phrase, go to “Effects” -> “Distort” -> “Stretch.” Adjust the stretch and amount settings to simulate an aurora borealis effect on your text.

Spider web effect text

If you want to simulate a spider web effect on your text in Illustrator, select your text and go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Crackle.” Adjust the size and opacity settings to get a spider web look on your text.

Cold fire effect text

To achieve a cold fire effect on your text in Illustrator, select your word or phrase, go to “Effects” -> “Distort” -> “Shrink”. Adjust the shrink and direction parameters to simulate a cold fire effect on your text.

Text with melted ice effect

If you prefer a molten ice effect on your text in Illustrator, select your text and go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Polished”. Adjust the brightness and smoothness settings to get a molten ice look on your text.

Text with heavenly glow effect

To give your text a heavenly glow look in Illustrator, select your word or phrase, go to “Effects” -> “Distort” -> “Twist.” Adjust the twist and smoothness settings to simulate a heavenly glow effect on your text.

Frosted glass effect text

If you want to simulate a frosted glass effect on your text in Illustrator, select your text and go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Curl”. Adjust the curl and direction parameters to get a frosted glass look on your text.

Text with sea coral effect

To achieve a sea coral effect on your text in Illustrator, select your word or phrase, go to “Effects” -> “Distortion” -> “Waves”. Adjust the length and width parameters to simulate a sea coral effect on your text.

Text with rotten wood effect

If you prefer a rotten wood effect on your text in Illustrator, select your text and go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Clouds”. Adjust the size and opacity settings to get a rotten wood look on your text.

Text with old inkwell effect

To give your text an old inkwell look in Illustrator, select your word or phrase, go to “Effects” -> “Distort” -> “Stretch.” Adjust the stretch and direction parameters to simulate an old inkwell effect on your text.

Text with galaxy effect

If you want to simulate a galaxy effect on your text in Illustrator, select your text and go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Bevel”. Adjust the bevel and emboss settings to get a galaxy look on your text.

Text with raindrop effect

To achieve a raindrop effect on your text in Illustrator, select your word or phrase, go to “Effects” -> “Distort” -> “Shrink”. Adjust the shrink and amount parameters to simulate a raindrop effect on your text.

Text with toxic stench effect

If you prefer a toxic stench effect on your text in Illustrator, select your text and go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Fade”. Adjust the opacity and direction settings to get a toxic stench look on your text.

Text with melted ice cream effect

To give your text a melted ice cream look in Illustrator, select your word or phrase, go to “Effects” -> “Distort” -> “Stretch.” Adjust the stretch and amount parameters to simulate a melted ice cream effect on your text.

Text with aged paper effect

If you want to simulate an aged paper effect on your text in Illustrator, select your text and go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Grain Texture.” Adjust the size and opacity settings to get an aged, worn paper look on your text.

Text with blood stain effect

To achieve a blood stain effect on your text in Illustrator, select your word or phrase, go to “Effects” -> “Distort” -> “Zigzag”. Adjust the amplitude and amount parameters to simulate a blood stain effect on your text.

Text with static electricity effect

If you prefer a static effect on your text in Illustrator, select your text and go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Glyphs”. Adjust the size and opacity settings to get a static look on your text.

Text with rough stone effect

To give your text a rough stone look in Illustrator, select your word or phrase, go to “Effects” -> “Distort” -> “Stretch.” Adjust the stretch and amount parameters to simulate a rough stone effect on your text.

Text with hologram effect

If you want to simulate a hologram effect on your text in Illustrator, select your text and go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Length”. Adjust the length and direction parameters to get a hologram look on your text.

Text with rust effect

If you prefer a rust effect on your text in Illustrator, select your text and go to “Effects” -> “Stylize” -> “Angle”. Adjust the angle and opacity settings to get a rusty look on your text.

These are just a few tutorials for exceptional text effects you can make in Illustrator. Experiment and have fun creating unique and creative designs with these amazing effects!

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