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40 Stunning Examples of Urban Art in Web Design

Web Design: 40 Stunning Examples of Urban Art

What is street art and how does it relate to web design?

Street art is a form of artistic expression that takes place in urban environments, such as streets, walls, and buildings. Over the years, this manifestation has evolved and been adapted to different art forms, including web design. Today, we can see how street art is creatively integrated into web pages, providing a unique and eye-catching aesthetic.

How is urban art reflected in web design?

Street art-inspired web design is characterized by its vibrant, colorful and personality-filled style. Websites that incorporate street art elements often use bold colors, creative typography, and graphic elements inspired by graffiti and street murals. This combination of styles creates visually striking websites that capture the user's attention and convey a unique and original message.

40 Stunning Examples of Urban Art in Web Design

1. Design Agency Website: This website combines elements of urban art with a modern and minimalist design, creating a visually appealing and original experience for the user.

2. Street art blog: This blog uses illustrations inspired by graffiti and urban murals to decorate its page, offering a creative and colorful space for lovers of urban art.

3. Online streetwear store: This online store uses bold colors and street art-inspired graphics to reflect its urban and rebellious style.

4. Urban Artist Portfolio: This urban artist's website combines photographs of his street work with a modern and dynamic web design, creating a virtual gallery of urban art.

5. Street Artist Collective: This website brings together different urban artists and showcases their works in a digital environment, providing a platform for the dissemination and promotion of street art.

6. Street Art Festival: This website promotes a street art festival and incorporates graphic elements inspired by street culture to reflect the essence of the event.

7. Urban accessories online store: This online store uses graffiti and mural illustrations on its products to connect with its young, urban audience.

8. Virtual Street Art Gallery: This website presents a virtual street art gallery, where users can browse and discover different works by street artists from around the world.

9. Urban sneaker brand: This sneaker brand uses graphics and colors inspired by street art to design its products and reflect its urban and casual style.

10. Street Art Digital Magazine: This digital magazine combines photographs of graffiti and murals with a modern and attractive web design, offering interesting and visually striking content for its readers.


Street art is an endless source of inspiration for web design. Through vibrant colors, creative typography, and graphic elements inspired by street culture, websites can create unique and original experiences for users. The combination of styles between street art and web design offers endless creative possibilities that allow designers to experiment and create memorable and visually striking websites. Get inspired by street art and take your web design to the next level!

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