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25+ Email Newsletter Mockup Templates: Stunning Designs for Your Website

25+ Email Newsletter Mockup Templates: Stunning Designs for Your Website

Web design is a fundamental part of any website. It is the first impression users receive when entering a page, so it is important that it is attractive and functional. One of the most important tools in web design is email mockup templates for newsletters. These templates are pre-designed designs that make it easy to create impactful and effective email campaigns.

What is an email mockup?

An email mockup is a visual representation of how an email will look once it is sent to subscribers. These templates allow you to preview the design and layout of the content, including images, text, buttons, and links. Email mockups are a very useful tool for designers and digital marketers, allowing them to create visually appealing and personalized campaigns.

Advantages of using email mockup templates

1. Time Saving: Email mockup templates allow you to create professional designs in minutes, saving time and effort when creating email campaigns.

2. Attractive designs: These templates are designed by professionals, so they guarantee an attractive and high-quality design for your newsletters.

3. Customization: Although these are pre-designed templates, you can customize them with your own logo, colors and messages to adapt them to your brand identity.

4. Improves open rates: An attractive and well-structured design increases the likelihood that users will open and read your email, improving the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Best Email Mockup Templates for Newsletters

If you are looking for email mockup templates for your newsletters, here is a selection of the best options available on the market:

1. MailChimp: This platform offers a wide variety of pre-designed email templates, ready to use and customize according to your needs.

2. Campaign Monitor: With Campaign Monitor you can access a wide collection of modern and functional email templates, ideal for digital marketing campaigns.

3. Sendinblue: Sendinblue offers responsive and easy-to-edit email templates to create impactful and effective newsletters in no time.

4. GetResponse: This platform has a section of professional and customizable email templates, to adapt to the needs of each user.

5. AWeber: AWeber offers easy-to-use and easy-to-customize email templates with modern, attractive designs to grab subscribers’ attention.


Email mockup templates are an invaluable tool for designers and digital marketers looking to create impactful and effective newsletters for their campaigns. With a wide variety of options available on the market, it's easy to find the perfect template to fit your brand identity and increase your email open rates. Don't hesitate to try out different options and experiment with different designs to find the template that best suits your needs and marketing goals. Boost your email campaigns with mockup templates and stand out in the digital world!

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