‘Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first.’ according to Murdock's law


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10 Must-Have Free Animation Libraries for Web Design

Free Animation Libraries for Web Design

1. Animate.css

Animate.css is a library of ready-to-use CSS animations. With this tool, you can quickly and easily add animation effects to your website. From entrance and exit animations to bounce and spin effects, Animate.css has a wide variety of options to enhance the user experience.

2. Hover.css

Hover.css is a CSS animation library specifically designed for hover effects. With this library, you can add smooth and engaging transitions to your buttons, images, and other interactive elements. Give your visitors a unique visual experience with Hover.css!

3. Magic Animations

Magic Animations is a CSS animation library that offers over 50 different effects to customize your web designs. This library is easy to use and is compatible with most modern browsers. Experiment with zoom, fade, rotate and many more effects with Magic Animations.

4. CSShake

CSShake allows you to add vibrations and shakes to your HTML elements by simply adding a CSS class. This library is perfect for adding a touch of dynamism to your website and capturing your users' attention. Experiment with different vibration intensities and directions with CSShake.

5. Motion UI

Motion UI is an animation library created by ZURB Foundation. This library allows you to easily animate your HTML elements by simply adding predefined classes. With Motion UI, you can create transition, scrolling, rotation, and more effects to enhance the user experience on your website.

6. Bounce.js

Bounce.js is a JavaScript animation library that lets you easily create custom animations. With Bounce.js, you can control the duration, direction, bounce, and opacity of your animations to suit your needs. Experiment with jumping, springy, swinging, and more effects with Bounce.js.

7. Velocity.js

Velocity.js is a JavaScript animation library that focuses on speed and performance. With Velocity.js, you can create smooth and fast animations with a small file size. This library is ideal for efficiently applying hover, opacity, rotation, and more.

8. GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP)

GSAP is a powerful JavaScript animation library that allows you to create advanced, high-performance animations. With GSAP, you can precisely control the sequence, duration, easing, and delay of your animations. Experiment with complex and realistic effects with GSAP to bring your web design to life.

9. Anime.js

Anime.js is a JavaScript animation library with simple and easy-to-use syntax. With Anime.js, you can create fluid and dynamic animations with just a few lines of code. This library is ideal for applying scrolling, rotation, scaling, and more effects to your web design projects.

10. Mo.js

Mo.js is a JavaScript animation library that focuses on motion and shape effects. With Mo.js, you can create original and creative animations to wow your users. Experiment with wave, explosion, bubble, and more effects with Mo.js to add a touch of magic to your web design.


Adding animations to your web design can make your site more interactive, engaging, and memorable for your visitors. With these 10 free animation libraries, you can bring your designs to life in a creative and professional way. Experiment with different effects and find the perfect combination to enhance the user experience on your website. Don't hesitate to try out these tools and take your designs to the next level!

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